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Namn Serie Färg Typ Raritet Pris Inbyte I butik
Ghitu Slinger Urza's Legacy URL-077 Creature Common 5 kr Fullt, 3 kr 4 / 4 st Beställ
Ghitu Fire-Eater Urza's Legacy URL-076 Creature Uncommon 5 kr Fullt, 3 kr 4 / 4 st Beställ
Defender of Chaos Urza's Legacy URL-075 Creature Common 5 kr Fullt, 3 kr 9 / 4 st Beställ
Avalanche Riders Urza's Legacy URL-074 Creature Uncommon 20 kr 10 kr 2 / 4 st Beställ
Archivist Urza's Legacy URL-026 Creature Rare Slut, 20 kr 10 kr 0 / 2 st Beställ
Tragic Poet Urza's Legacy URL-024 Creature Common 5 kr Fullt, 3 kr 6 / 4 st Beställ
Radiant's Dragoons Urza's Legacy URL-021 Creature Uncommon 5 kr 3 kr 3 / 4 st Beställ
Mother of Runes Urza's Legacy URL-014 Creature Uncommon Slut, 110 kr 60 kr 0 / 4 st Beställ
Expendable Troops Urza's Legacy URL-008 Creature Common 5 kr Fullt, 3 kr 6 / 4 st Beställ
Devout Harpist Urza's Legacy URL-006 Creature Common 5 kr Fullt, 3 kr 4 / 4 st Beställ
Defender of Law Urza's Legacy URL-005 Creature Common 5 kr Fullt, 3 kr 4 / 4 st Beställ

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